Online Raffles vs Traditional Raffles: Which is Better?

Raffles have been a popular method for fundraising and offering exciting prizes for decades. Traditionally, raffles were conducted through physical ticket sales and draws held at events. However, with the rise of technology, online raffles have become increasingly prevalent. In this blog, we will explore the differences between online raffles and traditional raffles, focusing on how winners are drawn and announced, associated costs, and the types of prizes that can be offered.

Benefits of Online Raffles


  1. Convenient Winner Selection – One of the primary advantages of online raffles is the ease of drawing and announcing winners. With dedicated raffle platforms, the entire process can be automated. Random number generators ensure fairness in selecting the winners, saving time and effort for organisers.
  2. Wider Reach with Online Raffle Tickets – Online raffles offer a significantly broader reach compared to traditional raffles. Supporters from around the world can participate in an online raffle, regardless of their location. This expanded audience can boost ticket sales and increase the potential funds raised.
  3. Greater Prize Variety – When organising an online raffle, the possibilities for prizes are virtually limitless. Non-physical items like e-gift cards, digital products, and exclusive experiences can be offered alongside traditional physical prizes. This versatility can attract a more diverse audience, thereby increasing the fundraising potential.

Benefits of Traditional Raffles

  1. Personal Interaction with Supporters – Traditional raffles provide a unique opportunity for face-to-face interaction with supporters. Holding events where tickets are sold creates a sense of community and excitement around the raffle. This personal touch can foster stronger relationships with donors and supporters.
  2. Familiarity and Tradition – For many people, the familiarity of traditional raffles is comforting. Attending a physical event, purchasing a physical ticket, and waiting for the draw has a nostalgic charm that can resonate with certain demographics, potentially increasing ticket sales.
  3. Reduced Technical Dependency – Traditional raffles rely less on technology, which can be advantageous in areas with limited internet access or technological infrastructure. This ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to participate, regardless of their technological literacy.

Challenges of Online Raffles

  1. Technical Difficulties and Security – Running an online raffle requires a reliable and secure platform. Technical glitches or security breaches can undermine participants’ trust and damage the reputation of the fundraiser. Ensuring a seamless and secure user experience is crucial for the success of an online raffle.
  2. Limited Interaction with Supporters – Despite the wider reach, online raffles may lack the personal touch that traditional raffles offer. Not being able to connect with supporters face-to-face might reduce the emotional connection, making it more challenging to build long-term relationships.
  3. Legal and Regulatory Requirements – Conducting an online raffle comes with legal and regulatory obligations. Organisers must comply with local laws and obtain the necessary permits, especially when offering prizes that may have restrictions in certain jurisdictions.

Challenges of Traditional Raffles

  1. High Overhead Costs and Logistics – Traditional raffles can involve significant overhead costs for printing tickets, renting venues, and organising events. Moreover, the logistics of managing physical ticket sales and conducting draws can be cumbersome and time-consuming.
  2. Limited Reach to Non-Local Supporters – Traditional raffles are inherently restricted to the physical location of the event, which can limit the audience and potential ticket sales. Non-local supporters may be interested in participating, but distance and travel constraints could deter them.
  3. Potential for Low Ticket Sales – If a traditional raffle does not attract enough attendees or generate sufficient interest, ticket sales may suffer. This could lead to lower fundraising proceeds compared to online raffles with a broader reach.

Choosing the Right Raffle for Fundraising

When deciding between an online raffle and a traditional raffle, organisers should consider their target audience, fundraising goals, and available resources. Combining both approaches, where feasible, can also provide the benefits of both methods and diversify the fundraising strategy.

In conclusion, both online raffles and traditional raffles have their advantages and challenges. Online raffles offer convenience, wider reach, and diverse prize options, while traditional raffles provide personal interaction and a sense of tradition. Understanding the differences between these two approaches can help organisers make informed decisions and create successful fundraising campaigns.

FAQs about online raffles vs traditional raffles

You can draw the winner of an online raffle or live draw by selecting a winner randomly and announcing it to the community.

Yes. You need to have a legal team behind you to ensure you stay ahead of the Gambling Commission guidelines. You also need to pay the transaction fees on any tickets purchased, which is usually a percentage of the transaction as well as a flat fee. This is usually a lot higher than any other business as gambling is considered a high-risk business. Then you’ll also incur banking fees.

Prizes are pretty much the same. Gaming consoles, money, vouchers, toys and cars.